
How to correct your posture with the Alexander technique

The short history of the Alexander technique from Wiki:

“Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) was a Shakespearean orator who developed voice loss during his performances. After doctors found no physical cause, Alexander reasoned that he was doing something to himself while speaking to cause his problem. His self-observation in multiple mirrors revealed that he was contracting his whole body prior to phonation in preparation for all verbal response. He developed the hypothesis that this habitual pattern of pulling the head backwards and downwards needlessly disrupted the normal working of the total postural, breathing and vocal mechanisms.”


Remember to fail

I recently came back from my company’s annual retreat where during the business meeting, we were discussing the values we want to create. One value that caught my eye is “fail, to learn”, which is the total opposite of fail to learn. This instantly reminds me of Patricia Ryan Madson’s superb book Improv Wisdom. One of her 13 maxims is “make mistakes, please”.